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Contributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks

TitleContributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsCanadell, JG, C. Le Quere, MR Raupach, CB Field, ET Buitenhuis, P. Ciais, TJ Conway, NP Gillett, RA Houghton, and G. Marland
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Date PublishedNOV 20 2007
ISBN Number0027-8424
Keywordsairborne fraction, anthropogenic carbon emissions, carbon-climate feedback, climate, cycle, DROUGHT, EMISSIONS, ice, LAND-USE, models, PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY, terrestrial and ocean carbon emissions, vulnerabilities of the carbon cycle
DOIDOI 10.1073/pnas.0702737104
Reference number


Short TitleContributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2 growth from economic activity, carbon intensity, and efficiency of natural sinks
Citation Key21