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Glaciers dominate Eustatic sea-level rise in the 21st century

TitleGlaciers dominate Eustatic sea-level rise in the 21st century
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMeier, MF, M. B. Dyurgerov, UK Rick, S. O'Neel, WT Pfeffer, RS Anderson, SP Anderson, and AF Glazovsky
Date PublishedAUG 24 2007
ISBN Number0036-8075

Ice loss to the sea currently accounts for virtually all of the sea-level rise that is not to ocean warming, and about 60% of the ice loss is from glaciers and ice caps rather than from two ice sheets. The contribution of these smaller glaciers has accelerated over the past decade, in part due to marked thinning and retreat of marine-terminating glaciers associated with a dynamic instability that is generally not considered in mass-balance and climate modeling. This acceleration of glacier melt may cause 0.1 to 0.25 meter of additional sea-level rise by 2100.

DOIDOI 10.1126/science.1143906
Reference number


Short TitleGlaciers dominate Eustatic sea-level rise in the 21st century
Citation Key27