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Lake Superior Summer Water Temperatures Are Increasing More Rapidly Than Regional Air Temperatures: A Positive Ice-albedo Feedback

TitleLake Superior Summer Water Temperatures Are Increasing More Rapidly Than Regional Air Temperatures: A Positive Ice-albedo Feedback
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsAustin, J. A., and S. M. Colman
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Date PublishedMar
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0094-8276
Keywordsafrica, climate-change, cover, laurentian great-lakes, michigan, sea, tanganyika, trends

Lake Superior summer ( July - September) surface water temperatures have increased approximately 2.5 degrees C over the interval 1979 - 2006, equivalent to a rate of ( 11 +/- 6) x 10(-2) degrees C yr(-1), significantly in excess of regional atmospheric warming. This discrepancy is caused by declining winter ice cover, which is causing the onset of the positively stratified season to occur earlier at a rate of roughly a half day per year. An earlier start of the stratified season significantly increases the period over which the lake warms during the summer months, leading to a stronger trend in mean summer temperatures than would be expected from changes in summer air temperature alone.


Geophys. Res. Lett.ISI Document Delivery No.: 149ZSTimes Cited: 32Cited Reference Count: 30Austin, Jay A. Colman, Steven M.Amer geophysical unionWashington

URL<Go to ISI>://000245186000005
Reference number


Short TitleLake Superior Summer Water Temperatures Are Increasing More Rapidly Than Regional Air Temperatures: A Positive Ice-albedo Feedback
Citation Key166