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Rising Heat Index in Phoenix

The average number of hours per summer day in Phoenix that the temperature was over 100°F has doubled over the past 50 years, in part as a result of the urban heat island effect. Hot days take a toll on both quality of life and loss of life. Arizona’s heat-related deaths are the highest of any state, at three to seven times the national average.1,2 Image Reference: Baker, et al.1
- 1. a. b. [340] Baker, L. A., A. J. Brazel, N. Selover, C. Martin, N. McIntyre, F. R. Steiner, A. Nelson, and L. Musacchio. "Urbanization and Warming of Phoenix (Arizona, USA): Impacts, Feedbacks and Mitigation." Urban Ecosystems 6, no. 3 (2002): 183-203.
- 2. [341] LoVecchio, F., J. S. Stapczynski, J. Hill, A. F. Haffer, J. A. Skindlov, D. Engelthaler, C. Mrela, G. E. Luber, M. Straetemans, and Z. Duprey. "Heat-related Mortality - Arizona, 1993-2002, and United States, 1979-2002." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 54, no. 25 (2005): 628-630.
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