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Average and Projected Change

The maps and thermometers in this figure and in the figure below show temperature differences (either measured or projected) from conditions as they existed during the period from 1961-1979. Comparisons to this period are made because the influence on climate from increasing greenhouse gas emissions has been greatest during the past five decades. The present-day map is based on the average observed temperatures from 1993-2008 minus the average from 1961-1979. Projected temperatures are based on results from 16 climate models for the periods 2010-2029, 2040-2059, and 2080-2099. The brackets on the thermometers represent the likely range of model projections, though lower or higher outcomes are possible. The mid-century and end-of-century maps show projections for both the higher and lower emission scenarios.1 The projection for the near-term is the average of the higher and lower emission scenarios1 because there is little difference in that timeframe. Image References: NOAA/NCDC2 (left); CMIP3-C3 (right)
- 1. a. b. [91] various. footnote 91., 2009.
- 2. [107] various. footnote 107., 2009.
- 3. [109] various. footnote 109., 2009.
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