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Lightning-Related Insurance Claims

There is a strong observed correlation between higher temperatures and the frequency of lightning-induced insured losses in the United States. Each marker represents aggregate monthly U.S. lightning-related insurance claims paid by one large national insurer over a five-year period, 1991-1995. All else being equal, these claims are expected to increase with temperature.1,2,3 Image Reference: Mills1
- 1. a. b. [344] Mills, E.. "Insurance in a Climate of Change." Science 309, no. 5737 (2005): 1040-1044.
- 2. [353] Reeve, N., and R. Toumi. "Lightning Activity as an Indicator of Climate Change." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 125, no. 555 (1999): 893-903.
- 3. [354] Price, C., and D. Rind. "Possible Implications of Global Climate Change on Global Lightning Distributions and Frequencies." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 99, no. D5 (1994): 10823-10831.
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