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Found 6 results
[34] Human-induced changes in the hydrology of the western United States." Science 319, no. 5866 (2008): 1080-1083. Abstract
[160] Attribution of Declining Western U.S. Snowpack to Human Effects." Journal of Climate 21, no. 23 (2008): 6425-6444. Abstract
[154] Trends in Snowfall Versus Rainfall in the Western United States." Journal of Climate 19, no. 18 (2006): 4545-4559. Abstract
[474] Mountain Hydrology of the Western United States." Water Resources Research 42 (2006). Abstract
[158] Changes Toward Earlier Streamflow Timing across Western North America." Journal of Climate 18, no. 8 (2005): 1136-1155. Abstract
[157] Changes in Snowmelt Runoff Timing in Western North America under a 'Business as Usual' Climate Change Scenario." Climatic Change 62, no. 1-3 (2004): 217-232. Abstract