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Found 7 results
[67] Attribution of Cyclogenesis Region Sea Surface Temperature Change to Anthropogenic Influence." Geophysical Research Letters 35 (2008): -. Abstract
[552] Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: Lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita." Science 315, no. 5819 (2007): 1679-1684. Abstract
[125] A Globally Consistent Reanalysis of Hurricane Variability and Trends." Geophysical Research Letters 34 (2007): -. Abstract
[543] Coral Reefs under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification." Science 318, no. 5857 (2007): 1737-1742. Abstract
[386] Atlantic Hurricanes and Natural Variability in 2005." Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006): -. Abstract
[520] Storm Tracks and Climate Change." Journal of Climate 19, no. 15 (2006): 3518-3543. Abstract
[523] A Consistent Poleward Shift of the Storm Tracks in Simulations of 21st Century Climate." Geophysical Research Letters 32 (2005): -. Abstract